
El COI celebra que España admita la plena participación de los atletas kosovares

Tras la reunión mantenida ayer, el Comité Ejecutivo del COI da por buena la carta del ministro de Exteriores Josep Borrell

Kocijancic y Bach junto a Alejandro Blanco. / NACHO CASARES/COE (EUROPA PRESS)

Kocijancic y Bach junto a Alejandro Blanco.


El presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) recibió ayer una carta del ministro de Exteriores Josep Borrell en referencia a la participación de los atletas kosovares en competiciones en España. 

Después de que el COI recibiese denuncias por las dificultades para los atletas kosovares de competir en recientes competiciones en España bajo su bandera, el organismo internacional celebra ahora que el Gobierno se comprometa a su plena participación y sin discriminación en estas competiciones cuando sean organizadas por organismos reconocidos por el propio COI. 

Este es el comunicado de la decisión de la Comisión Ejecutiva del COI tras una reunión mantenida ayer: 

The IOC EB decided to recommend to all IFs and other recognised sporting organisations that the allocation of international sports events to a country must include the necessary guarantees to ensure equal treatment for the participating athletes and sporting delegations. This is in accordance with the basic principles of autonomy and non-discrimination which govern the Olympic Movement.

Countries that will host international sporting events must guarantee these principles, and all international sports organisations concerned should not allocate any international sports event to a country that does not provide the necessary guarantees.

In this framework, the IOC EB took note with concern about the difficulties encountered by the Kosovan athletes to participate with full rights and without discrimination in some international sports competitions organised recently in Spain.

At the same time, the IOC EB welcomed the firm engagement from the Spanish Government to redress this situation, as expressed in a letter from the Foreign Minister to the Spanish NOC.

It guaranteed, in Spain, the participation of the athletes from Kosovo with all rights and no discrimination in relation to other athletes, in all competitions under IOC auspices - this means all competitions organised by sports organisations recognised by the IOC.

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Àngels Barceló


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