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Los atascos ya no son un problema en China gracias a un nuevo autobús-tunel

Tiene capacidad para 300 pasajeros, pero prenteden que puedan transportar a 1.200 personas


China ha conseguido lo que cualquier ciudadano desea: poder viajar por la ciudad sin necesidad de aguantar atascos de coches durante horas. El gobierno del país asiático ha creado una original e innovadora idea que revoluciona el servicio del transpote público. El automóvil consiste en un autobús-túnel, con capacidad para 300 pasajeros y que tiene la capacidad de atravesar atascos sin perjudicar al resto de conductores.

A model of a innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 people, according to l

A model of a innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 people, according to l / CHINA STRINGER NETWORK

A model of a innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 people, according to l

A model of a innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 people, according to l / CHINA STRINGER NETWORK

Su nombre es TEB-1 -cuyo significado es Autobús Elevado de Tránsito- y mide 22 metros de largo, 4'8 de alto y 7'8 de ancho. De momento solo ha realizado un recorrido experimental, pero su estructura inferior en forma de túnel permite recorrer los carriles sin evitar el paso bajo el mismo de los demás automóviles.

The interior of a model of an innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 peopl

The interior of a model of an innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 peopl / CHINA STRINGER NETWORK

The interior of a model of an innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 peopl

The interior of a model of an innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 peopl / CHINA STRINGER NETWORK

La idea, que se presentó en mayo, tiene perspectivas de futuro. El gobierno chino pretende que en el futuro los TEB-1 formen parte de la red de trasporte y puedan transportar a 1.200 personas.

A model of an innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 people, according to

A model of an innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 people, according to / CHINA STRINGER NETWORK

A model of an innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 people, according to

A model of an innovative street-straddling bus called Transit Elevated Bus is seen after a test run in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China, August 3, 2016. The test bus currently consists of one segment, and is capable of carrying 300 people, according to / CHINA STRINGER NETWORK

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Àngels Barceló


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