Ocio y cultura

Los humoristas gráficos homenajean a 'Charlie Hebdo'

Decenas de viñetas recuerdan a los asesinados en el atentado contra 'Charlie Hebdo'

BERLIN, GERMANY - JANUARY 08: A cartoon lies on the ground while people gather at a vigil in front of the French Embassy following the terrorist attack in Paris on January 7, 2015 in Berlin, Germany. Twelve people were killed including two police officer / Carsten Koall (Getty Images)

BERLIN, GERMANY - JANUARY 08:  A cartoon lies on the ground while people gather at a vigil in front of the French Embassy following the terrorist attack in Paris on January 7, 2015 in Berlin, Germany. Twelve people were killed including two police officer


Tras el atentado terrorista sufrido por la revista satírica francesa ‘Charlie Hebdo’ en el que han muerto 12 personas, han sido mucho los humoristas gráficos que han querido dedicar sus viñetas a los dibujantes muertos, a la libertad de prensa, de expresión o a la necesidad del humor. Recopilamos algunas de ellas:

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Hoy por Hoy

Àngels Barceló


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