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Play Basket (04/05/15): Calathes en el punto de mira del Barça

Programa que dirige y presenta Francisco José Delgado

Play Basket: Sergio Rodríguez:"'La Final Four es lo que más ilusión nos hace" (04/05/2015)

Play Basket: Sergio Rodríguez:"'La Final Four es lo que más ilusión nos hace" (04/05/2015)



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Esta semana cumplimos 300 programas por eso hablamos con Sergio Rodríguez, el jugador del Real Madrid que durante su etapa en Portland además fue colaborador del programa. A pocas horas del primer partido de la eliminatoria entre los Cavaliers y los Bulls, nos metemos dentro de la concentración de Cleveland y entrevistamos a Jordi Fernández. Además, Elisa Aguilar e Iñaki de Miguel nos cuentan su aventura en la Titan Desert, escuchamos a Fran Vázquez, Marc Gasol y lo analizamos todo en nuestras tertulias.

PORTLAND, OR - APRIL 27: Nick Calathes #12 of the Memphis Grizzlies celebrates after hitting a three point shot in the third quarter of Game Four of the Western Conference quarterfinals during the 2015 NBA Playoffs against the Portland Trail Blazers at Mo

PORTLAND, OR - APRIL 27: Nick Calathes #12 of the Memphis Grizzlies celebrates after hitting a three point shot in the third quarter of Game Four of the Western Conference quarterfinals during the 2015 NBA Playoffs against the Portland Trail Blazers at Mo / Steve DYKES

PORTLAND, OR - APRIL 27: Nick Calathes #12 of the Memphis Grizzlies celebrates after hitting a three point shot in the third quarter of Game Four of the Western Conference quarterfinals during the 2015 NBA Playoffs against the Portland Trail Blazers at Mo

PORTLAND, OR - APRIL 27: Nick Calathes #12 of the Memphis Grizzlies celebrates after hitting a three point shot in the third quarter of Game Four of the Western Conference quarterfinals during the 2015 NBA Playoffs against the Portland Trail Blazers at Mo / Steve DYKES

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Àngels Barceló


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