Hoy por Hoy SantiagoHoy por Hoy Santiago

Nico Castellano: "La clase política será juzgada por la Historia por permitir la muerte de refugiados"

El experto de la Cadena SER en migraciones participó en Santiago en el curso de periodismo social "Reportaxes sen fronteiras".

A migrant waits to be disembarked from the Panamanian ship Dignity 1 in the Sicilian harbour of Pozzallo, Italy, June 23, 2015. Thousands of migrants fleeing war and poverty in Africa and the Middle East have died trying to cross the Mediterranean, mostly heading for Italy. European Union leaders agreed in April to boost naval search mission in the Mediterranean after a boat sank and as many as 900 migrants died off the coast of Libya. REUTERS/Antonio Parrinello / ANTONIO PARRINELLO (Reuters)

A migrant waits to be disembarked from the Panamanian ship Dignity 1 in the Sicilian harbour of Pozzallo, Italy, June 23, 2015. Thousands of migrants fleeing war and poverty in Africa and the Middle East have died trying to cross the Mediterranean, mostly heading for Italy. European Union leaders agreed in April to boost naval search mission in the Mediterranean after a boat sank and as many as 900 migrants died off the coast of Libya.  REUTERS/Antonio Parrinello

Santiago de Compostela

El periodista de la Cadena SER experto en migraciones, Nico Castellano, acudió a Compostela a participar en el curso de periodismo social "Reportaxes sen Fronteiras", organizado por la USC en colaboración con Cruz Roja y Afundación. Castellano subrayó en Hoy por Hoy Santiago "la necesidad de romper el discurso oficial del poder sobre la inmigración".




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  • Cadena SER

Cadena SER

Hoy por Hoy

Àngels Barceló


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