Aviana, en el Barranco del Figotelet, en Quesa
Se trata de la primera salida fuera de Villena en esta nueva temporada
Aviana en Quesa / Aviana
![Aviana en Quesa](https://cadenaser.com/resizer/v2/N5SG2PJOLVFM5PPONXVU6ADOBY.jpg?auth=bc9eb3e2a08e8d2096ef99006e8b69ee855f26e07609802622849e3807124c3f)
El domingo 15 de octubre, 65 socios y socias de AVIANA se desplazaban en autobús hasta la localidad de Quesa, pequeño municipio de la provincia de Valencia, ubicado en la comarca del Canal de Navarrés, para realizar una preciosa ruta de unos 9 kilómetros.
Aviana en Quesa / Aviana
Aviana en Quesa / Aviana
A la llegada se visitaba en el núcleo del casco urbano, el lavadero municipal y una balsa de riego. Desde allí se subía a la parte alta de Quesa, pasando junto al colegio por la zona del Calvario, hasta llegar a la Ermita de la Cruz, pequeña edificación de ladrillo caravista, rematada con una cruz de forja, un bonito mirador donde realizar fotografías
![Aviana en Quesa](https://cadenaser.com/resizer/v2/2MZ3X37WZFEQPOI6GTK6ZIHDO4.jpg?auth=4f0b392dd8572b92c1f9faf5b3613db4ad81a38b96c91fe0719a05d5e473c8d5&quality=70&width=650&height=780&smart=true)
Aviana en Quesa / Aviana
![Aviana en Quesa](https://cadenaser.com/resizer/v2/2MZ3X37WZFEQPOI6GTK6ZIHDO4.jpg?auth=4f0b392dd8572b92c1f9faf5b3613db4ad81a38b96c91fe0719a05d5e473c8d5)
Aviana en Quesa / Aviana
Al este de esta ermita están los restos del castillo de Quesa, asentado sobre sobre un enclave rocoso y escarpado, lugar estratégico desde donde se controlaba el tránsito hacia las tierras del interior remontando el cauce del río Escalona. De este castillo del siglo XI, sólo quedan los lienzos de la muralla y el aljibe, esculpido en roca, del patio interior.
Desde el castillo se ascendía por un sendero que, bordeando la montaña, conducía a otro mirador desde el que disfrutar del hermoso paisaje de algarrobos, acequias y bancales que rodean la población.
![Askeran (Azerbaijan), 15/10/2023.- An arial view of Asgaran fortress in the town of Askeran during Azerbaijan's president visit in Nagorno-Karabakh region, Azerbaijan, 15 October 2023. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev hoisted the National flag of Azerbaijan at different districts of Nagorno-Karabakh region on the day when 20 years ago he was elected as Azeri President for the first time. Azerbaijan on 19 September 2023 launched a brief military offensive on the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a breakaway enclave that was home to some 120,000 ethnic Armenians. Following a ceasefire agreed on 20 September 2023, Azerbaijan opened all checkpoints with Armenia for the unimpeded exit of civilians from the disputed territory. The Armenian government announced the evacuation of more than 100,000 local residents from Nagorno-Karabakh, and a humanitarian center has been set up in the village of Kornidzor near the so-called Lachin corridor, the main route between Armenia and the breakaway region. Nagorno-Karabakh will cease to exist as a self-proclaimed state from 01 January 2024, the region's separatist leader, Samvel Shakhramanyan, announced on 28 September 2023, after signing a decree to dissolve all its institutions. (Azerbaiyán) EFE/EPA/STRINGER](https://cadenaser.com/resizer/v2/WYTBMHSBMFOLN72N2QH4NFEBAI.jpg?auth=eb46cf21207d31a57a0864654ede8b81f350abadf21b3abc32fc93f8ccb9399a&quality=70&width=650&height=365&smart=true)
Askeran (Azerbaijan), 15/10/2023.- An arial view of Asgaran fortress in the town of Askeran during Azerbaijan's president visit in Nagorno-Karabakh region, Azerbaijan, 15 October 2023. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev hoisted the National flag of Azerbaijan at different districts of Nagorno-Karabakh region on the day when 20 years ago he was elected as Azeri President for the first time. Azerbaijan on 19 September 2023 launched a brief military offensive on the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a breakaway enclave that was home to some 120,000 ethnic Armenians. Following a ceasefire agreed on 20 September 2023, Azerbaijan opened all checkpoints with Armenia for the unimpeded exit of civilians from the disputed territory. The Armenian government announced the evacuation of more than 100,000 local residents from Nagorno-Karabakh, and a humanitarian center has been set up in the village of Kornidzor near the so-called Lachin corridor, the main route between Armenia and the breakaway region. Nagorno-Karabakh will cease to exist as a self-proclaimed state from 01 January 2024, the region's separatist leader, Samvel Shakhramanyan, announced on 28 September 2023, after signing a decree to dissolve all its institutions. (Azerbaiyán) EFE/EPA/STRINGER / STRINGER
![Askeran (Azerbaijan), 15/10/2023.- An arial view of Asgaran fortress in the town of Askeran during Azerbaijan's president visit in Nagorno-Karabakh region, Azerbaijan, 15 October 2023. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev hoisted the National flag of Azerbaijan at different districts of Nagorno-Karabakh region on the day when 20 years ago he was elected as Azeri President for the first time. Azerbaijan on 19 September 2023 launched a brief military offensive on the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a breakaway enclave that was home to some 120,000 ethnic Armenians. Following a ceasefire agreed on 20 September 2023, Azerbaijan opened all checkpoints with Armenia for the unimpeded exit of civilians from the disputed territory. The Armenian government announced the evacuation of more than 100,000 local residents from Nagorno-Karabakh, and a humanitarian center has been set up in the village of Kornidzor near the so-called Lachin corridor, the main route between Armenia and the breakaway region. Nagorno-Karabakh will cease to exist as a self-proclaimed state from 01 January 2024, the region's separatist leader, Samvel Shakhramanyan, announced on 28 September 2023, after signing a decree to dissolve all its institutions. (Azerbaiyán) EFE/EPA/STRINGER](https://cadenaser.com/resizer/v2/WYTBMHSBMFOLN72N2QH4NFEBAI.jpg?auth=eb46cf21207d31a57a0864654ede8b81f350abadf21b3abc32fc93f8ccb9399a)
Askeran (Azerbaijan), 15/10/2023.- An arial view of Asgaran fortress in the town of Askeran during Azerbaijan's president visit in Nagorno-Karabakh region, Azerbaijan, 15 October 2023. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev hoisted the National flag of Azerbaijan at different districts of Nagorno-Karabakh region on the day when 20 years ago he was elected as Azeri President for the first time. Azerbaijan on 19 September 2023 launched a brief military offensive on the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a breakaway enclave that was home to some 120,000 ethnic Armenians. Following a ceasefire agreed on 20 September 2023, Azerbaijan opened all checkpoints with Armenia for the unimpeded exit of civilians from the disputed territory. The Armenian government announced the evacuation of more than 100,000 local residents from Nagorno-Karabakh, and a humanitarian center has been set up in the village of Kornidzor near the so-called Lachin corridor, the main route between Armenia and the breakaway region. Nagorno-Karabakh will cease to exist as a self-proclaimed state from 01 January 2024, the region's separatist leader, Samvel Shakhramanyan, announced on 28 September 2023, after signing a decree to dissolve all its institutions. (Azerbaiyán) EFE/EPA/STRINGER / STRINGER
A la vuelta al pueblo, siguiendo la rambla del río Escalona, se llegaba al Lavadero del Molino de los Leandros, donde se almorzaba. Alrededor del paraje hay campos regados por la acequia que recoge las aguas del barranco y de la fuente del Puñal, que se encuentra arriba de la cascada.
El Salto del Molino ha sido rehabilitado como área recreativa y es una zona húmeda llena de encanto con abundante vegetación de helechos, higueras y pequeños saltos de agua. Durante gran parte de la ruta se coincide con marcas azules que indican la Senda del Agua.
Después del almuerzo, obligada la visita a las inmediaciones del embalse y, desde allí, subiendo un pequeño sendero, llegar hasta el Barranco del Figalet (o Frigolet según algunas fuentes). Este tramo discurre por una zona boscosa con abundante pebrella y otras hierbas aromáticas. En un momento del recorrido un panel explicativo indica que allí había una cantera de la que se extraía piedra de pórfido, con la que se hacían los antiguos adoquines del suelo. Junto al camino se encuentra abundante yeso cristalizado. La ruta continúa por el barranco hasta llegar a una carretera que devuelve al punto de partida.
Una vez más se ha disfrutado de un agradable recorrido que ha permitido aprender y conocer mejor el entorno de Quesa: las zonas de bosques, el torrente seco, las acequias, sus restos arqueológicos, el molino, el salto de agua…y, lo mejor de todo, acompañados por la alegría y el buen ambiente del grupo de AVIANA.