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Prohens felicita a España por su victoria en el Mundial, en especial a Cata Coll y Mariona Caldentey

Armengol expresa su alegría por la victoria de España en el Mundial y agradece al equipo "el esfuerzo y sacrificio"

Sydney (Australia), 20/08/2023.- Cata Coll of Spain (centre) celebrates with team mates winning the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 Final soccer match between Spain and England at Stadium Australia in Sydney, Australia, 20 August 2023. (Mundial de Fútbol, España) EFE/EPA/DAN HIMBRECHTS AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT / DAN HIMBRECHTS

Sydney (Australia), 20/08/2023.- Cata Coll of Spain (centre) celebrates with team mates winning the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 Final soccer match between Spain and England at Stadium Australia in Sydney, Australia, 20 August 2023. (Mundial de Fútbol, España) EFE/EPA/DAN HIMBRECHTS AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT


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1x24: Ser o no Ser

23/08/2024 - 01:38:13

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