SER Cofrade MálagaSER Cofrade Málaga
Ocio y cultura

Easter Sunday, Málaga

The holy week is one of the most important events in Spain. Tradition, faith and passion move millions of people from different places around the world. Last year, Malaga welcomed more than 6 millions of visitors because of this celebration.



The Holy Week ends and does so with the joy of the resurrection of Jesus. Therefore, all the brotherhoods join this procession and accompany these two floats of the Association of Brotherhoods. Both, the Lord and the Virgin are preceded by a multi-coloured parade of nazarenos, where all the brotherhoods that have had their processions during the Week of Passion are represented.

On this float, the statue of the resurrected Jesus, Santísimo Cristo Resucitado appears rising on a hill of carnations, dressed only with a mantle that the sculptor José Capuz shaped, achieving the look of a cloth that covers the legs. His two hands are placed close to the body, increasing the verticality of the image, while other resurrected images tend to have arms outstretched. His appearance is completely different from the rest of sacred statues of the Holy Week, which show a darker skin tone.

The Virgin, María Santísima Reina de los Cielos, completes the procession on a second, silver-plated float, with a canopy made of a mesh and embroidered in gold, where you can see the image of her crucified son. The face of the virgin as a young girl, with a pale face in which her crimson lips stand out, inspires the face of this Virgin.

How are they dressed?

The nazarenos of both sections are a representation of all the brotherhoods which are members of the Association. Thus, we will be able to see all the colours that are present in the Holy Week of Málaga.

  • Cadena SER

Cadena SER

Hoy por Hoy

Àngels Barceló


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